Book Sale! Book Sale! Book Sale!
That is our main event that will occupy April (and March for the Book Sale Committee members). We will need lots of workers to pull off this year’s book sale. Anita Meritt will be looking for members to post the book sale flyers at stores, libraries and other public spaces in various towns over the next few weeks.
In addition, you will also be receiving calls from various book sale committee members over the next two weeks asking you to sign up for sorting hours in particular, and for cashier hours as well. Since we are only sorting for three days, you might want to consider volunteering twice in a day, such as doing a morning session and then doing a later afternoon or early evening session. Here is the schedule:
Mon Apr 18, 1-6pm, collect and sort
Tues Apr 19, 9-7, collect and sort
Wed Apr 20, 9-7, collect and sort
A lot of work has been done by the Book Sale Committee on a Sort Plan to make sorting as efficient as possible. When you arrive for sorting, please check in with a book sale committee member to see what is most needed so we can stick with the plan. Committee members will be there at various times, so look for one of the following people: Leslie Carson, Janice Hartman, Anita Meritt, Marylou Motto, Lynne Rogerson, Martha Saitta (meet this new member), Mary Segers, Ann Soper, Hedy Tukey, and Jackie Wetcher (meet this new member).
We’ll also need cashier volunteers during the sale itself:
Thur April 21, 9 – 2 Pre-Sale with entrance fee, $25
Thur April 21, 1-6, straighten after morning Pre-Sale
Fri April 22, 9 – 9
Sat April 23, 9 – 7
Sun April 24, 10 – 4 (Bag Day Books $5; Bag Day Media $10)
We know many people are looking forward to the return of our Book Sale, so we should have a good turn-out!
Take some time in March though (Women’s History Month) for our March 10th 7pm virtual program, Without A Whisper. You should have received a 2/23/22 email from College Club Summit with all the details on signing up. This is an event that we are sponsoring with the Madison AAUW along with the League of Women Voters of Berkeley Heights, New Providence and Summit, and Union, Plainfield and Hillside. Without a Whisper uncovers the hidden history of the profound influence Indigenous women had on the beginnings of the women’s rights movement in the United States, and the filmmaker Katsitsionni Fox will discuss it. The film can be viewed ahead of time.
As for Scholarships, I am pleased to report that the Finance Committee recommended and the Board approved an increase from $25,000 in the budget to $27,000 for the June 2022 scholarships.
Please continue to support the mission of AAUW and SCC of “gender equity and economic security” through “research, education and advocacy.”
Let’s enjoy a Happy Spring!
Lynne Rogerson, President