Interest Groups
Within the larger community of Summit College Club, smaller groups of members often gather to enjoy a shared interest. Historically, members have met in study groups--on economics, political issues, or a language, for example; art groups--ceramics, creative writing, singing; and social groups--dining, bridge, travel. Participation is entirely voluntary.
The groups usually gather monthly at a mutually convenient time. Some, such as the Book Group, have been meeting for years; others, such as the Film and Dinner Group, are relatively new. Several have an especially fluid membership, welcoming any Summit College Club member to any meeting. Any member may form a new Interest Group. ​
Dining Group
Meets second Saturday of each month, lunch at member homes or restaurants, October through May, except for December. For more information, contact Kathy Tatlow at
Book Group
Meets third Wednesday of each month, September through May at 2:00 p.m. For more information, contact Marylou Motto at
Lunch Bunch
Everyone is invited. Second Thursday, November through June at 12:00 noon. We choose different restaurants each month. Any month you wish to attend, contact Anita Meritt at
Film and Dinner Group
All are welcome. Last Friday of the month, October through May at approximately 5:00 PM for the film, followed by dinner. The theater and restaurant may vary by the month depending on what is being shown. For more information, contact Lynne Rogerson,