We have some great programs on offer this year! Mark the dates and plan on joining other members in learning, connecting, and enjoying art, music, theater, history, and discussion of current social issues.
Saturday, September 10, 2022: Opening Luncheon. Guest speaker Melanie Cohn, Executive Director of the Visual Arts Center of NJ; also featuring new members who've joined since 2020. 12 noon, Canoe Brook Country Club.
Saturday, October 22: Visual Arts Center Tour of Japanese art: RAKU. Afternoon (specific time to be announced) at the Visual Arts Center in Summit.
Saturday, November 19: Shirley Chisholm’s Fifty Year Legacy by SCC Member Janice Harris Jackson. 2:00 p.m., virtual.
Thursday, December 8: Shakespeare's Twelfth Night (discussion). Meet SCC Member Marylou Motto on Zoom for a discussion of the play. 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, December 11, Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night (performance). 2:00 PM, Kirby Theatre, Drew University; with Madison AAUW members.
Sunday, January 15, 2023: Winnie Mandela Film. In partnership with the League of Women Voters to celebrate Martin Luther King Day of Remembrance and Service. 2:00 PM, New Providence Library.
Monday, February 13: What Inclusion Really Means, in honor of Black History Month and led by Edwina Sessons, AAUW-NJ Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. 7:00 p.m. This online discussion, second in a series, is hosted by Summit College Club Branch and open to all AAUW-NJ members.
Thursday, March 16: Book Review of The Woman Behind the New Deal: The Life of Frances Perkins, FDR’s Secretary of Labor and his Moral Conscience, by Kirstin Downey. Discussion led by SCC Member Dr. Mary Segers. 7:00 p.m. online. In partnership with the Madison AAUW in honor of Women's History Month.
May: To Be Announced
Sunday, June 4: 2023 Scholarship Reception. 2:00 PM, Lile Hall, Christ Church in Summit.