I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving. My brother and sister-in-law visited us this year from Pittsburgh. It was a fun time and a reminder of the importance of family and friends.

The busy holiday season is here, and we are starting it off with the annual Holly Berry Brunch on December 4th. I hope to see you there. The Program Committee has come up with a new venue at Canoe Brook Country Club and short presentations by two of our members.
Don’t miss Marylou Motto’s presentation on Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. It will be on Zoom on Thursday December 8th at 7:30pm.
On November 19th, member Janice Harris Jackson presented Shirley Chisholm’s Fifty-Year Legacy on Zoom. In addition to her Presidential run, it was good to hear of her legacy of opening the door to many women candidates for Congress and Senate and her later career in education. We also heard about the recently opened Shirley Chisholm State Park in Brooklyn.

After the holidays it is time to think about our annual Book Sale which will be coming up in April. It will be a little longer than last year’s scaled down collection time but not as long as in the past.
Please reserve the following dates to help out:
Fri April 14, set-up and collect
Sat April 15, collect and sort
Sun April 16, collect and sort
Mon Apr 17, collect and sort
Tues Apr 18, sort only
We’ll also need cashier volunteers during the sale itself:
Wed Apr 19, Pre-Sale with entrance fee, straighten after
Thurs Apr 20, Sale
Fri April 21, Sale
Sat April 22, Sale
Sun April 23, Sale
Mon April 24, Clean-Up
Stay tuned for more SCC programs of interest in the new year. AAUW-NJ is also featuring many programs which can be looked at on their web site.
For winter reading, you might try The Woman Behind the New Deal: The Life of Frances Perkins, FDR’s Secretary of Labor and his Moral Conscience by Kirstin Downey which will be reviewed in our March 16th program by Mary Segers. Also of interest about women’s history is the fascinating story of The Doctors Blackwell by Janice P. Nimura about Elizabeth and Emily Blackwell. In 1849 Elizabeth was the first woman in the United States to receive an M.D. and her sister followed.
Please continue to support the mission of AAUW and SCC of “gender equity and economic security” through “research, education and advocacy”.
Lynne Rogerson, President