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President's Summer 2024 Message

Updated: Jun 11

Hello to summer!   Everything is green and lush because of all the rain.


As we close out our fiscal year on June 30th, it is Membership Renewal time for most of you.  You will receive a renewal form in a postal mailing soon.  Please take the time to fill out the

form and return it with your check to Hedy Tukey.  Her address is on the form.  I say “for most of you” since AAUW National has changed the date for renewals.  Now, for new members, your membership expires twelve months after your join date, rather than on June 30th.  However, at this time you will receive the form to fill out with your information for the Yearbook and your committee and group interests.


Our Annual Meeting will be held via Zoom between June 15 and June 30.  This is when a vote will be taken on the nominations for officers for 2024-2025.  More details will be provided later when the slate of officers is emailed to you.


Our book sale was a great success and exceeded last year’s net with fewer donations.  Everyone agreed that this year’s organization looked great.  This was thanks to member volunteers but also just as many non-member and student volunteers.  Thanks to Janice Hartman for hosting the after-sale party at her home.


The Projects & Initiatives Fund contribution of $1,000 will be given this year to BlinkNow which  operates a globally recognized school and children's home in SurkhetNepal.  It will be given specifically to their Women’s Center which provides vocational training, education, and counseling.


Thanks to the Scholarship Committee, and all their hard work, culminating in the award of six scholarships at the June 2nd Scholarship Reception.   The reception was lovely and well attended by twenty-three members as well as by awardees, parents, and guests.  Thanks to our two speakers who offered helpful first year of college advice.  It was great to talk with the awardees after the ceremony and several parents thanked us for the award and a great event.  We will also be donating to the Union County College Foundation to provide four partial scholarships for women returning to school and in need of financial aid.


We sent Crystal Jong to NCCWSL (National Conference for College Women Student Leaders) for 5/30-6/1/24.  This is held at the University of Maryland, College Park, and hundreds of attendees were expected.  Crystal was one of our 2022 Scholarship Awardees.


AAUW-NJ is hosting the Women as Agents of Change awards via Zoom on June 15th at 10am.  Awardees are First Lady of NJ Tammy Murphy and NJ Democratic Majority Leader Senator Teresa Ruiz.


As a fun thing to do, you may want to check out the Broadway musical SUFFS.  It is about the suffragette movement of the early twentieth century.  It captures well the history of that struggle and the personalities and organizations involved that we have come to know.  It is well done.


Lynne Rogerson, President

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