Upcoming Programs
Sunday, January 17 | 2:00 PM
Join us for a virtual discussion of the movie
John Lewis: Good Trouble
Hosted by
SCC President Hedy Tukey
and Jean Crichton, League of Women Votersrs
In towns, cities, states and on a national level, AAUW is helping to change policies and enact laws to ensure equity for all. There are lots of ways to get involved with AAUW’s work to advance gender equity. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of women and girls.
Make Your Mark
Join the Equity Network here

Book Sale
Thank You!
Our April 2024 Book Sale was a big success thanks to the many volunteers, book donors, and shoppers. Every dollar generated by the Book Sale helps fund scholarships for young women in our area.
Happy reading, and we'll see you next year!

Learn to successfully advocate for yourself — and help close the pay gap for women everywhere. Over 100,000 women have used the award-winning Work Smart online program to enhance their ability to negotiate pay, position and benefits.
Take the Work Smart Online Training
Learn More about the Gender Pay Gap here