Join Now!
Please complete the application below and pay your annual dues online. The processing fee for electronic transactions (currently $5.00) will be added to your dues payment. If you wish to avoid the processing fee, please scroll down to download and print a pdf of our application form, and mail it with a personal check for dues.
Once your application is processed, you'll receive a confirming email from one of our members to welcome you and make sure you know how to join upcoming events.
When you click Buy Now you are taken to PayPal's secure website where you can pay by credit card. You don't have to create a PayPal Account to do this.
Your annual payment includes dues to: National ($72), NJ State ($10), and the Summit Branch ($25), plus a $5.00 processing fee. The National AAUW dues, $72, are tax deductible; the State and Branch dues are not.
If you prefer, you can download the pdf below and print out the Member Application Form. Fill it in and mail it with your check for dues to the address indicated on the form.