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Message from Lynne Rogerson - Summer 2023

Another club year is coming to a close and we did a lot.

We had another successful Book Sale and raised $12,346 before costs. Leslie Carson again graciously hosted an after-sale party at her home for all the volunteers (both members and non-members). Thanks to all who helped to make the sale a success. Remember to come to the scholarship reception on Sunday June 4th 2pm at Lile Hall, Christ Church to meet the recipients of this year’s scholarships. It is always an inspiring event.

As I close out my second year in office, I also look back at our programs including two luncheons (Opening in September and Holly Berry in December), a tour of the Visual Arts Center, a Twelfth Night lecture by member Marylou Motto and a visit to see the play, a lecture on Shirley Chisholm’s Fifty-Year Legacy by member Janice Harris Jackson, presentation of the movie Ruby Bridges with a discussion led by member Hedy Tukey and Jean Crichton from LWV, our sponsorship of the lecture “DEI: What Inclusion Really Means” by Edwina Sessons from AAUW-NJ, and a book review of a Frances Perkins biography by member Mary Segers. An additional highlight was our joint luncheon on May1st with the

Madison branch at Harvest Bistro where we had the whole place to ourselves. It was a great time to visit with each other and exchange ideas.

The Projects and Initiatives Fund contribution of $1,000 will be given this year to Oasis – A Haven for Women and Children, located in Paterson, NJ. They provide “programs designed to feed, clothe, educate, and empower women and children in need.”

We’re heading into summer but remember to send in your renewal by June 15th and check off any committees you might be interested in to help make the new year successful. Our Annual Meeting will be coming up in the second half of June via Zoom. A vote will be taken on the nominated candidates for office for the next year. Notice will be sent via email.

Please continue to support the mission of AAUW and SCC of “gender equity and economic security” through “research, education and advocacy.”

Enjoy the summer!

Lynne Rogerson, President

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